I adopted a beautiful black kitten three months ago and I had two weeks to prepare for her. She was my first cat in ten years since my last kitty died. I had two and a half weeks to prep for her and I wanted to spoil the royal princess and make everything perfect.
🐈⬛ 🐈⬛ International cat day post here 🐈⬛ 🐈⬛
She was going to be two months and still be just a baby. I wanted to wait until she was two months old so she could develop enough on her mother's milk and nutrition before I take her away.
I bought most of my stuff at chewy.com. They're amazing and have great customer service. They respond fast, gives great and are attentive. They make everything right if a product isn't working out and will guide you to something better. The litter didn't work out because she was trying to eat it and they recommend me something else. They were caring about my needs.
I knew I had to prepare for the times I would leave her by herself when I would have to go to work. So I shopped for an extra side list to help her out that will help her out when she is home alone. I got the automatic feeder that had an icepak underneath to keep her wet food fresh.
Food, food bowls, placemat, water bowels and treats.
Her nutrition is very important so I got the kitten formula of both soft and hard cat food. I got several different formulas and texture to find the one that works best for her. Her favorite are the royal canin. They are expensive but it'sworth it for her health. The royal princess has spoken. She eats better if the soft cat food and hard catfood are separate. I tried several different ways and that was the perfect texturefor her palate. She eats soft catfood twice and I leave the hard cat food out for her out for her at night. She loves all of the juices. She has her own feeding station in her own room.
It's imperative to have the litter box on one side and her feeding station on the other side or she won't eat or do her business in her litter if it's too far away. Usually kittens dont drink too much water so the wet food makes up for the loss of liquids from not drinking enough water. Later I got her a waterfall when she became bigger. The flow of the water attracts them to drink.
I also started to have a water bowl in each room for her to enjoy. She plays hard in each room and it keeps her happy. I have to fill up each bowl often. This girl drinks more water than me.
She didn't understood treats at first. She would eat them when they were presented to her face but she wouldn't run excited when I would shake the bag. I had a treat puzzle for her from CatIT and she would not pay attention to it at first. She was just too young. Once she grew up I can see that she has taken a liking to treats once she started digging through an empty catit treat puzzle. She knew exactly what to do with those and she started to want her treats. Shaking her treats didn't work for her at first so I had to search and know her hiding spots to find her. Now I shake her favorite treats, temptations, and she comes running.
Pet beds, per carrier and blankets.
She loves the feeling of the fuzzy texture that her blankets and beds have. The princess deserves the best. Her favorite blanket is her soft fuzzy pink one. She buries her face into it, digs her paws and starts purring really loud because it gives her comfort like when she was with her mom when she was just a baby. Her favorite bed was the pink one with the fuzzy ball. She loves to to hit the ball. Her daddy picked up that one at petsmart.
Toys, leash/harness and grooming supplies
Litter box, litter genie, litter, scoop, deodorizer
I use the breeze system and it turns out to be perfect. At first I was going to stop from using the pebbles but she wanted to try to eat them when I would first try to put them in there. I would have to take her out and distract her with toys. She would not try to eat them once it had her scent in the litter. Using litter attractant helps. She doesn't see the litter as something to chew anymore but she does see it as a toy if one oebble falls out of the litter box. I just put it back in and she forgets about it being a toy. I dont smell her urine at all because it goes through the pebbles and down to the bottom of the breeze pads. I place baking soda on top of the pads to absorb in the smell better. I give her a treat each time I see her use her business in the right spot to affirm good behavior so she doesn't stay away. The breeze system comes with every thing you need for a month and coupons to replace the pads and litter. Once I decided that this was the litter for her, I bought her a second one because you should have one extra litter box for each cat you have. If you have one cat, get two boxes. Get three boxes if you have two cats and so forth. I clean the box thoroughly once a week and the spring in some litter attractant in the litter.
I am all set for my daughter and I will buy more to spoil the royal princess.